I don’t think my current topical flea/tick product is working - How soon can I reapply?

There is no single answer for this frequently asked question.

The known safe answer is to wait the period of time the product is supposed to work, typically 30 days, before reapplying.

An alternative is to bathe the pet in a detergent shampoo (meant to strip off skin oils) and reapply after 24 hours.

If you are having severe flea or tick infestation problems, it may be worth seeing the veterinarian to establish a control program. We can often tailor a program to your specific needs and the needs of the pets. Or call the front desk, our friendly office staff can offer general advice.

And remember, continuing to see fleas or ticks doesn't always equal failure of a product, but signals the population of the pest is continuous! Sometimes, it is the environment that needs treatment, not the pet!

When dealing with fleas or ticks, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

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