Why should I have my female dog/cat spayed?

We recommend that all mixed breed pets be spayed. Purebred animals that are not being used for breeding or for show should also be spayed. Spaying a female dog or cat involves the surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries. The primary benefit to spaying your pet is to eliminate their ability to have puppies or kittens, and to prevent heat cycles.

Other benefits include prevention or elimination of the following diseases:

- Pyometra – Infection of the uterus that can occur at any age and is often life threatening.

- Mammary (breast) cancer – spaying a dog prior to her first heat decreases her risk of cancer by 90% or more.

We recommend spaying dogs and cats at 6 months of age. However, if you have an older pet, it is still a good idea to get her spayed to prevent pyometra and other reproductive tract diseases.

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